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For a connected graph G, let D(G) be the family of strong orientations of G; and for any D ∈ D(G), we denote by d(D) the diameter of D. The orientation number of G is defined as d(G)=min{d(D) | D ∈ D(G)}. In 2000, Koh and Tay introduced a new family of graphs, G vertex-multiplications, and extended the results on the orientation number of complete n-partite graphs. Suppose G has the vertex set V(G)={v1,v2,… vn}. For any sequence of n positive integers (si), a G vertex-multiplication, denoted by G(s1, s2,…sn), is the graph with vertex set V*=∪i=1nVi and edge set E*, where Vi's are pairwise disjoint sets with |Vi|=si, for i=1,2,….n; and for any u,v ∈ V*, uv ∈ E* if and only if u ∈ Vi and v ∈Vj for some i,j ∈{1,2,…n} with I ≠ j such that vi vj ∈ E(G). They proved a fundamental classification of G vertex-multiplications, with si ≥ 2 for all i=1,2,…n, into three classes C0, C1 and C2, and any vertex-multiplication of a tree with diameter at least 3 does not belong to the class C2. Furthermore, some necessary and sufficient conditions for C0 were established for vertex-multiplications of trees with diameter 5. In this paper, we give a complete characterisation of vertex-multiplications of trees with diameter 5 in C0 and C1.
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Wong, Willie Han Wah and Tay, Eng Guan
"A Complete Characterisation of Vertex-multiplications of Trees with Diameter 5,"
Theory and Applications of Graphs: Vol. 8:
2, Article 6.
DOI: 10.20429/tag.2021.080206
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