

The maximum oriented k-forcing number of a simple graph G, written MOFk(G), is the maximum directed k-forcing number among all orientations of G. This invariant was recently introduced by Caro, Davila and Pepper in [6], and in the current paper we study the special case where G is the complete graph with order n, denoted Kn . While MOFk(G) is an invariant for the underlying simple graph G, MOFk(Kn) can also be interpreted as an interesting property for tournaments. Our main results further focus on the case when ,em>k=1. These include a lower bound on MOF(Kn) of roughly ¾n, and for n ≥ 2 , a lower bound of n - \frac{2n}{\log_2(n)}. We also consider various lower bounds on the maximum oriented k-forcing number for the closely related complete q-partite graphs.

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