Session Format

Presentation Session (45 minutes)

Target Audience

Post Secondary Education


Session 2 (PARB 239)

Abstract for the conference program

The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) developed the Accelerated Mathematics Program (AMP) in 2009 to address student deficiencies in mathematics. At CCBC, approximately 70% of incoming students are not college-ready and must complete developmental coursework in English, reading, or math. AMP allows students to register concurrently for consecutive math courses, allowing students to complete math coursework in half the time. STEM students with developmental math needs have the most to gain; completion, retention, and engagement have increased since implementing this corequisite learning model! Attendees, primarily from the higher education environment, will learn about the nuts-and-bolts of this model, best practices for implementation, instructional strategies, lessons learned, and future planning. Time is also provided for attendees to discuss unique challenges at their institution, and how AMP may be adapted for use outside CCBC.

Proposal Track

T1: Teaching and Learning in the STEM Field

Start Date

3-22-2019 10:30 AM

End Date

3-22-2019 11:15 AM

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Mar 22nd, 10:30 AM Mar 22nd, 11:15 AM

Using Math Acceleration to Address Deficiencies of STEM Students

Session 2 (PARB 239)

The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) developed the Accelerated Mathematics Program (AMP) in 2009 to address student deficiencies in mathematics. At CCBC, approximately 70% of incoming students are not college-ready and must complete developmental coursework in English, reading, or math. AMP allows students to register concurrently for consecutive math courses, allowing students to complete math coursework in half the time. STEM students with developmental math needs have the most to gain; completion, retention, and engagement have increased since implementing this corequisite learning model! Attendees, primarily from the higher education environment, will learn about the nuts-and-bolts of this model, best practices for implementation, instructional strategies, lessons learned, and future planning. Time is also provided for attendees to discuss unique challenges at their institution, and how AMP may be adapted for use outside CCBC.