Assessment of Visual Analogy for teaching Chemical Kinetics Concepts in General Chemistry courses- a Pilot Study

Conference Tracks

Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


Visual Analogies are well-known instructional models for teaching abstract concepts by bridging a abstract concepts with familiar information. Previous studies have shown that Analogies that result in instructional scaffolding are more effective at promoting student learning than simple analogies. We have developed the 'Flipping Tiles' visual analogy to teach 'Chemical Kinetics' concept in General Chemistry course. Students that are taught using the animation are compared with a control group on depth of understanding and retention. We will present our methodology, pilot study results, lessons learnt and future direction of the study.

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Image (Open Access)


Feb 25th, 8:15 AM

Assessment of Visual Analogy for teaching Chemical Kinetics Concepts in General Chemistry courses- a Pilot Study

Visual Analogies are well-known instructional models for teaching abstract concepts by bridging a abstract concepts with familiar information. Previous studies have shown that Analogies that result in instructional scaffolding are more effective at promoting student learning than simple analogies. We have developed the 'Flipping Tiles' visual analogy to teach 'Chemical Kinetics' concept in General Chemistry course. Students that are taught using the animation are compared with a control group on depth of understanding and retention. We will present our methodology, pilot study results, lessons learnt and future direction of the study.