Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Flipped Classroom in Introductory Mathematics: Data Analysis of Student Success Using Immediate Feedback vs. Deferred Feedback

Flipped Classroom in Introductory Mathematics: Data Analysis of Student Success Using Immediate Feedback vs. Deferred Feedback

Conference Tracks

Assessment and SoTL - Research


This talk will compare student success in a flipped classroom model in MA240: Introduction to Number Theory and Cryptology with and without adaptive mode feedback on daily projects.

Analysis of the results from flipped classroom with adaptive mode (immediate feedback) as compared to those with deferred feedback suggests significant improvement using adaptive mode.

Session Format

Research Brief and Reflection Panels


Publication Type and Release Option

Image (Open Access)


Feb 25th, 1:45 PM

Flipped Classroom in Introductory Mathematics: Data Analysis of Student Success Using Immediate Feedback vs. Deferred Feedback

This talk will compare student success in a flipped classroom model in MA240: Introduction to Number Theory and Cryptology with and without adaptive mode feedback on daily projects.

Analysis of the results from flipped classroom with adaptive mode (immediate feedback) as compared to those with deferred feedback suggests significant improvement using adaptive mode.