Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Mathematics Teaching Anxiety and Responsive Teaching

An Exploration of the Relationship Between Mathematics Teaching Anxiety and Responsive Teaching

Conference Tracks

Learning Theories and Pedagogy – Research


This research brief will share findings from a mixed methods study with preservice teachers to which the following research questions were explored, (a) What questions do preservice teachers ask children about their mathematical thinking in conversations around their written work? (b) In what ways does mathematics anxiety and mathematics teaching anxiety relate to the questions they ask? Implications for teaching and learning across content areas will be shared with an emphasis on the consideration of teacher candidates’ backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to better understand—and improve—teacher practice.

Session Format

Research Brief and Reflection Panels


Publication Type and Release Option

Image (Open Access)


Feb 25th, 1:45 PM

An Exploration of the Relationship Between Mathematics Teaching Anxiety and Responsive Teaching

This research brief will share findings from a mixed methods study with preservice teachers to which the following research questions were explored, (a) What questions do preservice teachers ask children about their mathematical thinking in conversations around their written work? (b) In what ways does mathematics anxiety and mathematics teaching anxiety relate to the questions they ask? Implications for teaching and learning across content areas will be shared with an emphasis on the consideration of teacher candidates’ backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to better understand—and improve—teacher practice.