Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Infusing an introductory biology lecture with critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and career awareness activities

Infusing an introductory biology lecture with critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and career awareness activities

Conference Tracks

Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


Critical thinking (CT) and quantitative reasoning (QR) are important skills and align with National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies for biology undergraduate students and are fundamental career readiness competencies. While many publications focus on CT and QR, there exists a limited amount of knowledge on implementing these skills in introductory biology courses, without sacrificing lecture time. In this study, we will show how we infused introductory biology lecture with career readiness skills and CT modules. We will share preliminary findings from CT modules and student surveys that assess QR, STEM confidence/identity and career awareness.

Session Format

Student Voices in SoTL Poster


Harborside Ballroom East


Feb 21st, 8:15 AM Feb 21st, 10:00 AM

Infusing an introductory biology lecture with critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and career awareness activities

Harborside Ballroom East

Critical thinking (CT) and quantitative reasoning (QR) are important skills and align with National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies for biology undergraduate students and are fundamental career readiness competencies. While many publications focus on CT and QR, there exists a limited amount of knowledge on implementing these skills in introductory biology courses, without sacrificing lecture time. In this study, we will show how we infused introductory biology lecture with career readiness skills and CT modules. We will share preliminary findings from CT modules and student surveys that assess QR, STEM confidence/identity and career awareness.