Sharing the Findings of SoTL with Students

Conference Tracks

About SoTL – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


The ISSOTL International Collaborative Writing Group [ICWG] on Sharing the Findings of SoTL with Students will be presenting an update on the progress of our work and inviting participants to help us interpret our findings. Our presentation will focus on three questions: a) Why do we need to share SoTL findings with students? b) How has this sharing been done so far? c) How could we do this sharing better? Attendees will be invited to help us interpret, organize, conceptualize, and discuss the value of our findings.

Session Format




Scarbrough Two


Feb 20th, 1:45 PM Feb 20th, 2:30 PM

Sharing the Findings of SoTL with Students

Scarbrough Two

The ISSOTL International Collaborative Writing Group [ICWG] on Sharing the Findings of SoTL with Students will be presenting an update on the progress of our work and inviting participants to help us interpret our findings. Our presentation will focus on three questions: a) Why do we need to share SoTL findings with students? b) How has this sharing been done so far? c) How could we do this sharing better? Attendees will be invited to help us interpret, organize, conceptualize, and discuss the value of our findings.