Integrating service learning into an undergraduate bioethics class

Conference Tracks

Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


Many studies have been done on student perceptions and personal beliefs on ethics in the real-world, yet this topic has traditionally been taught in a passive, lecture-style manner. Here we share preliminary findings from pre and post surveys, reports, and presentations of students enrolled in a traditional bioethics class and compare it with an innovative team-based, service-learning course. Preliminary findings revealed significant differences between these two instructional approaches, with engaging discussions, presentations, and meaningful learning from students enrolled in the service-learning course.

Session Format



Harborside Ballroom East


Feb 20th, 8:15 AM Feb 20th, 10:00 AM

Integrating service learning into an undergraduate bioethics class

Harborside Ballroom East

Many studies have been done on student perceptions and personal beliefs on ethics in the real-world, yet this topic has traditionally been taught in a passive, lecture-style manner. Here we share preliminary findings from pre and post surveys, reports, and presentations of students enrolled in a traditional bioethics class and compare it with an innovative team-based, service-learning course. Preliminary findings revealed significant differences between these two instructional approaches, with engaging discussions, presentations, and meaningful learning from students enrolled in the service-learning course.