Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Awful practices in online teaching – lessons from two professors who teach online and have recently taken classes.

Awful practices in online teaching – lessons from two professors who teach online and have recently taken classes.

Conference Tracks

Online Learning – Research


How often does one get to receive feedback on one’s online class from an experienced educator who participates in each module and completes all of the assignments? Best practices can seem simple to articulate, but many times in the nitty gritty of the classroom portal, things can go less impressively. Two professors from different fields will share practical suggestions and critiques from their experience of taking online classes at a different university post tenure. This session will offer an analysis of successful and very unsuccessful practices and how to avoid pitfalls in the online learning environment.

Session Format

Research Brief and Reflection Panels


Room 3

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Jan 25th, 4:15 PM Jan 25th, 5:15 PM

Awful practices in online teaching – lessons from two professors who teach online and have recently taken classes.

Room 3

How often does one get to receive feedback on one’s online class from an experienced educator who participates in each module and completes all of the assignments? Best practices can seem simple to articulate, but many times in the nitty gritty of the classroom portal, things can go less impressively. Two professors from different fields will share practical suggestions and critiques from their experience of taking online classes at a different university post tenure. This session will offer an analysis of successful and very unsuccessful practices and how to avoid pitfalls in the online learning environment.