Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Teaching Secrets to Engage and Motivate Students in Math

Teaching Secrets to Engage and Motivate Students in Math

Conference Tracks

Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


Research in the past decade has pointed to a number of benefits for using the Project Based Learning (PBL) Model, including significant positive effects on problem-solving skills, conceptual understanding, and attitudes to learning.This poster presentation will focus on the study that was carried out in 8 sections of Business Calculus (N=480) and in 2 sections of College Algebra (N=140). The results from this study show that teaching practices based on PBL Model had a positive influence on student learning and student attitude towards learning mathematics. Student performance results and impact on attitude and confidence will be presented. How to overcome some of the common problems when implementing PBL will be also discussed.

Session Format




Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Jan 25th, 8:30 AM Jan 25th, 10:00 AM

Teaching Secrets to Engage and Motivate Students in Math


Research in the past decade has pointed to a number of benefits for using the Project Based Learning (PBL) Model, including significant positive effects on problem-solving skills, conceptual understanding, and attitudes to learning.This poster presentation will focus on the study that was carried out in 8 sections of Business Calculus (N=480) and in 2 sections of College Algebra (N=140). The results from this study show that teaching practices based on PBL Model had a positive influence on student learning and student attitude towards learning mathematics. Student performance results and impact on attitude and confidence will be presented. How to overcome some of the common problems when implementing PBL will be also discussed.