“The Heart Does Not Lie”: Ameliorating Fear of Public Speaking


This presentation reviews findings from an ongoing research project addressing techniques to ameliorate communication anxiety in students. Participants complete self report measures that are compared to physiological arousal as identified through interbeat interval and heart rate. Randomly selected students complete journals where they engage in cognitive restructuring exercises and are compared to students who do not engage in cognitive restructuring at the end of the semester via both the self reports and physiological measures. Volunteers from this workshop will be selected for heart rate monitoring demonstrations with the Actiheart Monitor and asked to complete the self report measures. Objectives of the session include the following: (1) Attendees will identify physiological arousal associated with anxiety; (2) Attendees will identify challenges associated with teaching classes of special needs students; (3) Attendees will learn cognitive strategies to assist their students in reduction of anxiety associated with presentations.


Room 2905


Mar 9th, 4:00 PM Mar 9th, 4:45 PM

“The Heart Does Not Lie”: Ameliorating Fear of Public Speaking

Room 2905

This presentation reviews findings from an ongoing research project addressing techniques to ameliorate communication anxiety in students. Participants complete self report measures that are compared to physiological arousal as identified through interbeat interval and heart rate. Randomly selected students complete journals where they engage in cognitive restructuring exercises and are compared to students who do not engage in cognitive restructuring at the end of the semester via both the self reports and physiological measures. Volunteers from this workshop will be selected for heart rate monitoring demonstrations with the Actiheart Monitor and asked to complete the self report measures. Objectives of the session include the following: (1) Attendees will identify physiological arousal associated with anxiety; (2) Attendees will identify challenges associated with teaching classes of special needs students; (3) Attendees will learn cognitive strategies to assist their students in reduction of anxiety associated with presentations.