Pedagogical Comparison and Contrast Between Asian and American Approaches to Music Prodigies


Prodigy is often defined as a highly gifted and talented child. Over the centuries, societies have witnessed many prodigies in various disciplines rise and fall. Especially, in the field of music, many prodigies have been exposed to general public through numbers of news coverage. However, it is very rare to see their maturity since training sometimes precedes talent. In general, prodigies are hard to read, and often their maturity depends on teaching and mentoring. Thus, it is necessary to study various pedagogical approaches to prodigies in order to comprehend characteristics of prodigies and proper education methods for them. This session will address the general perception towards music prodigies and their rise-and-fall. Especially, pedagogical comparison/contrast between Asian and American approaches to music prodigies will be analyzed. Glaser's grounded theory will be used to comprehend different pedagogical approaches to music prodigy in Asia and America based on interviews with piano prodigies.


Room 2905


Mar 11th, 2:00 PM Mar 11th, 2:45 PM

Pedagogical Comparison and Contrast Between Asian and American Approaches to Music Prodigies

Room 2905

Prodigy is often defined as a highly gifted and talented child. Over the centuries, societies have witnessed many prodigies in various disciplines rise and fall. Especially, in the field of music, many prodigies have been exposed to general public through numbers of news coverage. However, it is very rare to see their maturity since training sometimes precedes talent. In general, prodigies are hard to read, and often their maturity depends on teaching and mentoring. Thus, it is necessary to study various pedagogical approaches to prodigies in order to comprehend characteristics of prodigies and proper education methods for them. This session will address the general perception towards music prodigies and their rise-and-fall. Especially, pedagogical comparison/contrast between Asian and American approaches to music prodigies will be analyzed. Glaser's grounded theory will be used to comprehend different pedagogical approaches to music prodigy in Asia and America based on interviews with piano prodigies.