Using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to Build Capacity for PBIS Implementation

First Presenter's Institution

Norfolk Public Schools

First Presenter's Brief Biography

A school social worker by degree and training, Dr. Williams currently serves as the Coordinator of Interagency Collaboration and Wraparound Services. In this capacity Dr. Williams oversees division-wide implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) in an urban school division in Southeast Virginia.

Second Presenter's Institution

Norfolk Public Schools

Second Presenter’s Email Address

Second Presenter's Brief Biography

A 20+ year educator, Ms. Allmond serves as the division lead for Restorative Practices. An IIRP-trained facilitator, she provides training and support to schools across the division in the implementation of Restorative Practices.

Document Type


Primary Strand

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Relevance to Primary Strand

This session will focus on the use of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to build the capacity of PBIS coaches to support division-wide implementation.

Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics

Climate and Culture

Brief Program Description

This session will chronicle the implementation and monitoring of PBIS in an urban school division, to include the alignment of Restorative Practices and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and mental health.


During this session, we will explore a capacity building approach to professional learning. Participants will learn how to use an implementation fidelity tool as the foundation for a guided school learning walk that provides opportunities for job-embedded learning experiences, peer collaboration, practice with feedback, and data informed learning. District level presenters will share their experiences and the impact this approach has had on their efforts to build and scale local expertise with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Presenters will facilitate a process for participants to explore ways to generalize this approach to their work (e.g., a specific evidence-based practice or initiative).

Participants will interact with a validated fidelity instrument, used to evaluate implementation quality of school wide PBIS. District leaders will share how they used the tool and Learning Walks to develop their coaches’ fluency with the features associated with implementation. Over the past year Technical Assistance providers from the Center for Social Behavior Support have led district staff and Coaches through ‘Learning Walks’ where Coaches complete the fidelity measure with support by gathering data such as: teacher observation and interviews with student, staff and building leadership, specific to the features of PBIS implementation. This session will explore how the ‘Learning Walks’ were structured to maximize opportunities for coaches’ learning and consider how to adapt fidelity measures for other interventions and programs to be used as a teaching tool for implementers.


Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) has been evaluated through rigorous randomized controlled studies and has been shown to improve overall organizational health, school climate, teacher efficacy, and student outcomes such as academic performance and social-emotional competence ( Fixsen et al. (2005) with the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) provides implementation science that informs best practices for scaling up, including use of a continuous improvement cycle.

Learning Objective 1

Participants will be able to interact with an implementation fidelity tool as the foundation for a guided school learning walk.

Learning Objective 2

Participants will be able to identify capacity building activities associated with learning walks, such as job-embedded learning experiences, peer collaboration, practice with feedback, and data informed learning.

Learning Objective 3

Participants will be able to explore ways to generalize this approach to their work.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to Build Capacity for PBIS Implementation

During this session, we will explore a capacity building approach to professional learning. Participants will learn how to use an implementation fidelity tool as the foundation for a guided school learning walk that provides opportunities for job-embedded learning experiences, peer collaboration, practice with feedback, and data informed learning. District level presenters will share their experiences and the impact this approach has had on their efforts to build and scale local expertise with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Presenters will facilitate a process for participants to explore ways to generalize this approach to their work (e.g., a specific evidence-based practice or initiative).

Participants will interact with a validated fidelity instrument, used to evaluate implementation quality of school wide PBIS. District leaders will share how they used the tool and Learning Walks to develop their coaches’ fluency with the features associated with implementation. Over the past year Technical Assistance providers from the Center for Social Behavior Support have led district staff and Coaches through ‘Learning Walks’ where Coaches complete the fidelity measure with support by gathering data such as: teacher observation and interviews with student, staff and building leadership, specific to the features of PBIS implementation. This session will explore how the ‘Learning Walks’ were structured to maximize opportunities for coaches’ learning and consider how to adapt fidelity measures for other interventions and programs to be used as a teaching tool for implementers.