Thinking Beyond Punishment: Implementing PBIS in Alternative Settings

First Presenter's Institution

Future Forward Education and Career Center

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Anita has been a special education teacher at the high school level for over a decade, specializing in student behavior. She currently teaches in a juvenile detention setting and serves as the facility's PBIS Coach. In 2022, Anita earned a Master's degree in trauma-informed practices for education and has an interest in implementing restorative practices in the juvenile detention setting.

Document Type


Primary Strand

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Relevance to Primary Strand

The focus of this presentation is on the unique challenges presented in an alternative education setting when developing and implementing PBIS successfully with fidelity. It addresses sustainable approaches for building positive school climate.

Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics

Climate and Culture

Brief Program Description

How do you help students and staff find the positive after making negative choices? This presentation will focus on the shift from traditional punitive discipline to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports in the alternative education setting, especially implementation with fidelity and shifting building-wide culture.


This presentation will address shifting the mindset in alternative educational settings from traditional punitive approaches to implementation of a PBIS framework in order to positively impact student behavior and building climate for both students and staff. Specifically, it will focus on development strategies, like identifying core values, developing an anchor word, choosing incentives, creating an incentive plan, and planning for teaching, modeling, and providing prosocial experiences. Further, it will address implementing a PBIS framework with fidelity, collecting and reviewing data to influence decisions, and the resulting positive impact on students and staff. Participants will leave with a model framework to begin developing their own PBIS system in their educational setting.


This presentation is based on three research studies which indicate the efficacy of implementing multi-tiered systems of support, like a PBIS framework, and restorative practices for diverse populations.

Mercado, F. (2021). Wise-Compassionate Framework: A Leadership Guide to Educational Equity. Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research, 7(1).

Felipe Mercado's study supports the efficacy of a multi-tiered system of supports in increasing a sense of community for students, which increases behavioral accountability and overall school climate, and increasing social-emotional learning, which also positively affects school climate.

Mansfield, K. C., Fowler, B., & Rainbolt, S. (2018). The Potential of Restorative Practices to Ameliorate Discipline Gaps: The Story of One High School’s Leadership Team. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(2), 303–323.

This research study focuses on implementation of multi-tiered systems of supports MTSS) to address negative behaviors in a diverse population in one Virginia school district. The study shows that MTSS had a positive impact on behavior and school culture.

Sandwick, T., Hahn, J. W., & Hassoun Ayoub, L. (2019). Fostering Community, Sharing Power: Lessons for Building Restorative Justice School Cultures. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(145).

This study looks at the use of restorative practices within a multi-tiered system of supports for students in the "school to prison pipeline" and the resulting positive impacts.

Learning Objective 1

identify how PBIS can positively impact student behavior and prepare them for the real world.

Learning Objective 2

explain how PBIS can positively impact school climate.

Learning Objective 3

develop strategies to implement a Tier I PBIS system with fidelity.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Thinking Beyond Punishment: Implementing PBIS in Alternative Settings

This presentation will address shifting the mindset in alternative educational settings from traditional punitive approaches to implementation of a PBIS framework in order to positively impact student behavior and building climate for both students and staff. Specifically, it will focus on development strategies, like identifying core values, developing an anchor word, choosing incentives, creating an incentive plan, and planning for teaching, modeling, and providing prosocial experiences. Further, it will address implementing a PBIS framework with fidelity, collecting and reviewing data to influence decisions, and the resulting positive impact on students and staff. Participants will leave with a model framework to begin developing their own PBIS system in their educational setting.