Strategies to Create Engagement, Safety, and Positive School Environments within an MTSS Framework


Tiffany EudyFollow

Document Type

Individual Presentation

Primary Strand

School Safety

Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics

Climate and Culture


This session will focus on the connection between creating a positive school climate and a strong MTSS framework. Evidence will show that addressing school safety, engagement, and environment within a comprehensive multi-tiered framework leads to better outcomes in all aspects of student' life, both within and beyond the school and the communities it serves. Participants will learn to take a holistic approach to student support and break down silos by aligning academic, behavioral/attendance, social skill development, and mental health supports within an MTSS framework. Participants will receive research-based, systems-level strategies that improve school climate through an MTSS framework.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Strategies to Create Engagement, Safety, and Positive School Environments within an MTSS Framework

This session will focus on the connection between creating a positive school climate and a strong MTSS framework. Evidence will show that addressing school safety, engagement, and environment within a comprehensive multi-tiered framework leads to better outcomes in all aspects of student' life, both within and beyond the school and the communities it serves. Participants will learn to take a holistic approach to student support and break down silos by aligning academic, behavioral/attendance, social skill development, and mental health supports within an MTSS framework. Participants will receive research-based, systems-level strategies that improve school climate through an MTSS framework.