Is My School Climate Healthy? Aligning PBIS-School Climate- Healthy Living In Your Schools

First Presenter's Institution

Henry County Schools

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Yolanda Reid Wheeler a native of Atlanta Georgia is a leader, educator, counselor, specialist, behaviorist, and consultant who has served in these professional capacities for 30 years. Yolanda Reid Wheeler has been given opportunities to share her talents on local, state, and national levels providing her with a holistic diverse prospective and approach to learning and leadership. In her educational prowess, she finds that the most lasting gift anyone could ever receive is an education. Yolanda Reid Wheeler joined Henry County Schools in August 2015. In her initial role as Intervention Specialist she was charged in bringing forth Positive Behavior Interventions and Support to Henry County Schools. As the District Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Coordinator Ms. Wheeler oversees 41 schools, implementing PBIS with fidelity. PBIS is the foundation of Conduct, Culture and Climate for the Henry County School District, stakeholders, and community. Ms. Wheeler became an interest of the Henry County School District in January 2013 as a consultant working with the District Innovation Team, the Bill Gates Grant and bringing forth Service Learning as part of the curriculum design for the grant. As co- founder and Principal of Strategic Service Learning Collaborative, Yolanda Reid Wheeler served the City of Atlanta from 2011 to 2015, partnering with Atlanta Public Schools and City of Atlanta Government. As an expert in Service Learning, Ms. Wheeler partnered with Promise Neighborhood Research Consortium (securing a three-million-dollar grant), The National Youth Leadership Council, Penn State University, and Emory University, to bring Service Learning and PAXIS Institute Good Behavior Game to the City of Atlanta. In affiliation with the National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC) Yolanda Reid Wheeler was confirmed and served as the National Service-Learning Conference Chair for Volunteers in April 2011. Demonstrating the highest level of professionalism Ms. Wheeler lead over 1000 conference volunteers for over 5000 service – learning practitioners, administrators, community leaders, researchers, policy makers, youth leaders, parents, program coordinators, national service members, community-based organizations, and corporate/foundation officers. Yolanda Reid Wheeler is a professional educator, who leads, teaches, collaborates and provides practical, engaging, and meaningful custom designed learning to fit the needs of all who connect with her.

Document Type


Primary Strand

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Relevance to Primary Strand

The proposal relates to Positive Behavior Interventions and Support by aligning the Interconnected Systems Framework, the Tiered Fidelity Inventory, School Climate, and Health.

Brief Program Description

Let's Move Together! Connectedness in PBIS, School Climate & Health A successful School Climate embodies an environment that has a connectedness of wellness framed in PBIS. In this presentation you will learn how to align health and wellness in your school utilizing assessment tools of fidelity . You will learn how to bring to life a School Climate that is sustainable and connects your school community.


This session will describe how the core features of PBIS are enhanced by aligning health and wellness and the utilizations of partners to support the Interconnected Systems Framework. Learn how the implementation of the supports, tools, and resources moves your school to a level of Connectedness of School Climate.


The Interconnected Systems Framework ( ISF) , Whole School , Whole Community, Whole Child ( WSCC) The Tiered Fidelity Inventory ( TFI) , Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) , and School Climate Survey ( SCS) are evidenced based research tools that project a collaborative systems approach . These evidenced based tools, supports, and resources are the corner stone to this presentation .

Learning Objective 1

Apply the principles of PBIS and how they are enhanced by the Interconnected Systems Framework.

Learning Objective 2

Explain how data, outcomes, systems, and practices, are interrelated to the evidenced based tools and resources presented.

Learning Objective 3

Learn how movement tools supports your wellness in your School Climate

Learning Objective 4

Learn how systematic empowerment of all stakeholders propels your School Climate in a multi-faceted and diverse approach.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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Is My School Climate Healthy? Aligning PBIS-School Climate- Healthy Living In Your Schools

This session will describe how the core features of PBIS are enhanced by aligning health and wellness and the utilizations of partners to support the Interconnected Systems Framework. Learn how the implementation of the supports, tools, and resources moves your school to a level of Connectedness of School Climate.