Let the Love of Learning Rule Humanity
The Phi Kappa Phi Research Symposium was an initiative by Chapter 123 to highlight academic achievement at Georgia Southern University. The Symposium recognized student research projects from all academic fields, encouraged the love of learning and discovery, and publicized the academic endeavors of the students of Georgia Southern University.
The Phi Kappa Phi Research Symposium was active until 2016. In 2017, the conference transitioned into the Eagle Showcase Service-Learning Showcase.
To submit materials related to presentations included in any session of the Phi Kappa Phi Symposium, please follow the instructions below:
Why Submit Your Presentation? More exposure for your work! Presentations are searchable through Google, and you will receive reports showing how many people have downloaded your presentation. You can also apply a Creative Commons License to your presentation, which controls how people can use your presentation materials.
What can you upload? PowerPoint Slides, papers, handouts, video, audio, and any other documents you used during your presentation.
Need Help? Email digitalcommons@georgiasouthern.edu for help on submitting proposals and presentations. If you have questions about the conference (ex. registration), please visit the Conference Homepage for further information including contact numbers and emails.
Additional Instructions for Screen Reader Users
The Readership Activity Map feature further down the page presents a real time interactive world map with pins indicating where documents from our collection have been downloaded recently. Begin reading after the Zoom buttons to find additional real time statistics.