Reignite Your Spark: Combatting Teacher Burnout



First Presenter's Institution

Gifts of Joy

First Presenter’s Email Address

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Jewelisa Blanks, a respected public speaker and seasoned educator, has devoted her professional life to empowering teachers and students. A proud graduate of The Ohio State University, Jewelisa spent over seven years serving in the public education sector, fostering a deep understanding of the field over her ten years of educational experience. Leveraging her knowledge and experience, she has drawn on cutting-edge emotional health research to affect meaningful change within the education system. Feeling the call for greater impact, Jewelisa transitioned into a full-time educational consultant role, where she continues to collaborate with administrators and district leaders nationwide. She is committed to restoring the whole educator and child by educating teachers on the power of sensory- informed practices and their direct connection to social-emotional learning. Her reach now extends to over 1,500 schools across the United States, and she has trained more than 5,000 educators in her innovative methodologies. Jewelisa's dedication and influence continue to reshape education and student well-being in schools nationwide.


Session Nine

Strand #1

Heart: Social & Emotional Skills

Strand #2

Health: Mental & Physical Health


The training focuses on understanding burnout, self-assessment tools, and strategies to prioritize well-being, which are crucial for fostering social and emotional skills and improving the social climate for educators. Topics like school climate and emotional intelligence are related to the issues of burnout and mental well-being addressed in the training. The focus on self-care, resilience, and mental well-being also ties into the themes of emotional intelligence and mindfulness present.

Brief Program Description

Dive deep into understanding and combating educator burnout. This comprehensive training will equip you with knowledge about the core issues, self-assessment tools, and tangible strategies to prioritize well-being in a demanding profession.


Participants will experience a comprehensive exploration of educator burnout, gaining a profound understanding of its core issues and their personal vulnerabilities to it. This training emphasizes practicality and applicability, equipping educators with tangible tools and strategies to combat burnout and prioritize their well-being amidst the demanding educational environment. It begins with self-assessment tools, allowing educators to gauge their personal well-being and develop the skills necessary to discern early signs and symptoms of burnout. Analyzing real-life data, participants explore intervention and preventive measures, helping them build resilience against the challenges of the educational field.

The program also guides participants in the establishment of daily self-care routines. These quick and practical routines will make integrating into the educators’ daily lives easy, aiming to bolster mental resilience and overall well-being. Recognizing the power of community, the training also connects educators with identifying their community support network, ensuring no one faces the challenges of burnout in isolation. Moreover, the training provides a reflective space for educators to revisit their initial motivations for choosing the education field, helping them acknowledge the factors that keep them committed and establish future career goals.

Participants will leave the training with a renewed sense of purpose, practical tools for self-assessment and self-care, and a strengthened community support network, all contributing to enhanced mental well-being and resilience against burnout. The “Reignite Your Spark” training is an essential resource for educators, affirming their vital role in society and supporting them in maintaining their emotional and mental health for sustained success and impact in their profession.


Numerous studies, including those published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, substantiate the profound impact of self-assessment tools and community support in mitigating burnout (Schonfeld & Bianchi, 2016). This training incorporates these evidence-backed strategies, presenting a structured pathway for educators to assess and enhance their well-being. The implementation of daily self-care routines and reflective practices within the program is reinforced by research in the Journal of Applied School Psychology, which highlights their significance in boosting educator resilience and mental health (Grafton, Gillespie, & Henderson, 2010). Moreover, real-life data, insights, and feedback from prior training sessions demonstrate palpable improvements in participants' emotional well-being, resilience, and overall satisfaction, further attesting to the training's effectiveness and relevance in the contemporary educational landscape.


  • Schonfeld, I. S., & Bianchi, R. (2016). Burnout and depression: Two entities or one? Journal of Clinical Psychology, 72(1), 22–37.
  • Grafton, E., Gillespie, B., & Henderson, S. (2010). Resilience: The power within. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37(6), 698–705.

Learning Objective 1

Recognize and assess personal burnout symptoms using self-assessment tools, gaining a clearer insight into their emotional and mental states.

Learning Objective 2

Employ practical strategies for combating burnout, integrating daily self-care and mindfulness practices to enhance emotional and mental well-being.

Learning Objective 3

Reconnect with their core motivations for teaching, fostering a supportive space to reaffirm commitments and set future career goals.

Keyword Descriptors

Teacher Burnout, Self-Assessment, Emotional Well-Being, Mental Health, Practical Strategies, Self-Care, Mindfulness Practices, Career Motivation, Community Support, Resilience

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-6-2024 11:15 AM

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Mar 6th, 11:15 AM

Reignite Your Spark: Combatting Teacher Burnout

Session Nine

Dive deep into understanding and combating educator burnout. This comprehensive training will equip you with knowledge about the core issues, self-assessment tools, and tangible strategies to prioritize well-being in a demanding profession.