Changing the Learning Trajectory through Academic Coaching


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Stellar Diverse Student Achievement Center

First Presenter’s Email Address

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Dr. Tashana D. Howse is the Director of Educational Services for the Stellar Achievement Center (Stellar). She has a passion for providing youth with experiences that maximize their potential as a learner and as a citizen. Dr. Howse’s background comprises over 20 years of leadership in mathematics education. She has experience ranging from classroom public education to developing teachers of tomorrow through preservice teacher education courses. As the co-founder of Stellar, Dr. Howse provides opportunities for supporting students of color in mastering 21st-century skills. Additionally, she provides these students with exposure to STEM opportunities with a focus on developing students' interest in pursuing STEM careers.

Second Presenter's Institution

Stellar Diverse Student Achievement Center

Second Presenter’s Email Address

Second Presenter's Brief Biography

Angela Williams graduated from Florida State University in 2006. She started her career as a Language Arts teacher at Pompano Beach Middle School in Broward County in 2007. Within her first year of teaching, she began advancing her career in education by working on her master's degree in Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Phoenix. Upon receiving her master's degree, she began completing coursework to become a Literacy Coach so she could have a bigger impact on curriculum & Instruction at her school. From experiences gained through her educational career, she was able to begin a career as a state facilitator in the areas of Equity & Diversity related to curriculum and instruction. Her Academic Coaching experiences developed over the years as she worked with various companies creating and modifying curricula that will have a positive impact on student achievement.


Session Seven

Strand #1

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership

Strand #2

Heart: Social & Emotional Skills


Changing a students' learning trajectory through academic coaching is about awakening the potential in each and every learner. The aspects are derived from Prochaska's Transtheoretical Model involving the six stages of behavioral development. Academic coaching has been shown to be an effective tool for supporting student success in education. Research has demonstrated that coaching can improve student motivation, self-efficacy, and engagement, leading to improved academic performance and retention rates. Additionally, coaching can help students develop important skills such as time management, goal setting, and self-regulation, which are essential for success in college and beyond. The coaching model focuses on identifying and building on each student's unique strengths and abilities, rather than solely focusing on areas of weakness. This approach will help students develop a sense of self-awareness and self-confidence, which are critical for success in college and beyond. This experience aligns specifically with Strand 1 as it aims to increase student achievement through academic coaching.

Brief Program Description

Every learner has potential! Through daily experiences their potential is sparked and realized. Changing the Learning trajectory through Academic Coaching is key to engaging each and every learner. Come and see how academic coaching has impacted multiple students' learning trajectory. This discovery allowed them to identify where they were in the process and the useful strategies they used to accomplish the change in their learning trajectory toward success.


Participants will gain insight on how stages of change through academic coaching can change a student's learning trajectory. Understanding where each student is in the stages of change allows students to identify strategies that support them in reaching their highest potential in learning. We will use Prochaska's stages of change model and coaching strategies to show the impact of academic coaching. The session time will be as follows:

1. Introduction and session goals shared

2. Turn and Talk (discussion of a student experience)

3. Participants will share and create an tangible image of a student that they impacted in a special way. (8 min)

4. Discussion of what is means to maximize student learning through the use of academic coaching.

5. Making connections through videos

6. Turn and Talk (Discussion of connection between video and Academic Coaching practices)

7. Briefly explore and analyze teaching instruction

8. Academic coaching video is shared

9. Questions to Participants that will solidify the basis for academic coaching using Prochaska's stages of change.


Changing the learning trajectory through academic coaching has been supported by various research studies and publications. Academic coaching refers to a personalized approach to education that focuses on enhancing students' learning skills, strategies, and motivation. It involves working closely with students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, setting goals, and providing guidance and support throughout their academic journey. This comprehensive approach has shown promising results in improving students' academic performance, self-confidence, and overall well-being.

One study conducted by Gersten et al. (2009) examined the impact of academic coaching on students with learning disabilities. The researchers found that students who received coaching showed significant improvements in their organizational skills, time management, and study habits. These improvements translated into better grades and increased engagement in classroom activities. The study concluded that academic coaching can be an effective intervention for students with learning disabilities, helping them overcome challenges and succeed academically.

Another research study by Dweck (2006) explored the concept of mindset and its influence on learning outcomes. The study highlighted the importance of adopting a growth mindset, which emphasizes the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort and practice. Academic coaching plays a crucial role in fostering a growth mindset by providing students with the necessary support and encouragement to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and develop a love for learning. This research suggests that academic coaching can help shift students' mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, leading to improved learning trajectories.

Furthermore, a meta-analysis conducted by Hattie et al. (2017) examined the effectiveness of various educational interventions, including academic coaching. The researchers analyzed data from numerous studies involving thousands of students across different educational settings. The findings revealed that academic coaching had a significant positive effect on student achievement. The study highlighted the importance of personalized support and feedback provided by academic coaches in improving students' learning outcomes.

Learning Objective 1

Understand Prochaska's Theoretical Stages of Changes and its relevance to teaching instruction

Learning Objective 2

Identify the correlation between academic coaching and its impact on changing the learning trajectory.

Learning Objective 3

Identify academic coaching strategies that are used to implement change.

Keyword Descriptors

Learning Trajectory, Academic Coaching, Stages of Change, Prochaska's Model

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-5-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

3-5-2024 2:45 PM

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Mar 5th, 2:15 PM Mar 5th, 2:45 PM

Changing the Learning Trajectory through Academic Coaching

Session Seven

Every learner has potential! Through daily experiences their potential is sparked and realized. Changing the Learning trajectory through Academic Coaching is key to engaging each and every learner. Come and see how academic coaching has impacted multiple students' learning trajectory. This discovery allowed them to identify where they were in the process and the useful strategies they used to accomplish the change in their learning trajectory toward success.