
Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Trauma Training University

First Presenter’s Email Address

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Brackins is the lead trainer and founder of Trauma Training University, a retired classroom educator and publshed author, having trained more than 800 people on ACEs, including over 600 in formal 5-6 hour trainings, both formal in-person and virtual sessions, as well as on social media platforms across the world. (Documentation available upon request.) In a little over a year (July 2021 to October 2022) I single-handedly initiated ACES and facilitated training in 23 or more counties in Georgia, recognized as training over 30% of all Georgians who were trained in the Georgia Center For Child Advocacy’s Connections Matter course.


Session Five

Strand #1

Health: Mental & Physical Health

Strand #2

Heart: Social & Emotional Skills


By teaching strategies to recognize relational poverty and decrease it, this session provides Trauma-informed educational and community practices and Intervention, prevention, or treatment programs. (Health)

The dynamics of building relational wealth (opposite of relational poverty) helps foster and strengthen emotional intelligence and communication skills, school climate, academic resilience and other areas of student empowerment. (Heart)

Brief Program Description

2/3 of Americans experience at least one Adverse Childhood Experience , and are affected by the detrimental aftermath; individuals with ACE scores of 6+ dying 20 years younger than average. “Playing ACES”/ empowering communities against them, enhances the quality and quantity of lives. This session will achieve this by decreasing relational poverty, through increasing the number of caring adults in homes, families and communities.


Through whole group lecture, and small group engagement/activities, a multi-media presentation will be shared along with accompanying documents for audience participation and mastery. The introduction and handling of vital vocabulary such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), relational poverty, Positive Childhood Experiences, relational wealth will be presented and enriched upon through various media outlets and teaching tools/strategies such as "Think, Pair, Share", music and video with anticipation guides, whole group discussion.


Cowlitz County, WA. experienced the following after implementing the type of trauma informed education in this session (As provided by the CDC):

62% decrease in births to teen mothers, 43% decrease in infant mortality rate, 98% decrease in youth suicide attempts, 53% decrease in arrests of youth for violent crimes, 47% decrease in high school dropout rates.Other counties experienced similar results. Below is a link to one of our guiding partnership documents with research based data:

Learning Objective 1

Participants will be able to define Adverse Childhood Experiences and explain how common and cumulatively detrimental they are.

Learning Objective 2

Participants will be able to define relational poverty, relational wealth and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCES).

Learning Objective 3

Participants will be able to explain how decreasing relational poverty/increasing relational wealth can prevent and mitigate ACEs and mitigate their effects.

Keyword Descriptors

trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences, ACEs, caring adult, PCE, community, relational poverty, relational wealth, connection, Positive Childhood Experiences

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-5-2024 10:15 AM

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Mar 5th, 10:15 AM

Mike Tyson vs Serena and Venus: CONNECT NOW To Play A.C.E.S. and Save Lives!

Session Five

2/3 of Americans experience at least one Adverse Childhood Experience , and are affected by the detrimental aftermath; individuals with ACE scores of 6+ dying 20 years younger than average. “Playing ACES”/ empowering communities against them, enhances the quality and quantity of lives. This session will achieve this by decreasing relational poverty, through increasing the number of caring adults in homes, families and communities.