Sticky Situations for Understanding Law and Life


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Banks Services

First Presenter’s Email Address

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Krystal Banks is a Social Entrepreneur & Activist, Author, Speaker, Trainer, and Bailsbonds Professional. Her extensive research revealed a critical educational gap, with parents and children lacking awareness of the gravity of offenses and the consequences they entail. Committed to change, she advocates for and educates students, parents, and education professionals on navigating life's challenges through the lens of the law and life skills. Krystal's work extends to promoting preventative intervention and empowering communities with knowledge to deter offenses. Her expertise in the justice system and unwavering dedication exemplifies her mission to improve lives through education and advocacy.


Session Two - Featured Session

Strand #1

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership

Strand #2

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership



Brief Program Description

Law and life go hand in hand. Understanding the law and how it connects to life can be an effective tool in teaching youth and adults the value of making good decisions when it comes to life and the law. Sticky Situations places real-world situations in the context of learning how to apply the law and effectively respond to life's sticky situations.





Learning Objective 1

Participants will be provided with real-world situation prompts that lead into teachable moments for teachers, students, and parents around equity, social and emotional learning, and appropriate behavior modification techniques to produce positive outcomes

Learning Objective 2

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the justice system and how its impact on youth and families

Learning Objective 3

Participants will deepen their understanding of how to prevent the school-to-prison pipeline through innovative education and prevention programming

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-3-2024 1:00 PM

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Mar 3rd, 1:00 PM

Sticky Situations for Understanding Law and Life

Session Two - Featured Session

Law and life go hand in hand. Understanding the law and how it connects to life can be an effective tool in teaching youth and adults the value of making good decisions when it comes to life and the law. Sticky Situations places real-world situations in the context of learning how to apply the law and effectively respond to life's sticky situations.