

First Presenter's Institution

Crosswalk USA & ARTreach 180

First Presenter’s Email Address


First Presenter's Brief Biography



Pre-Conference Workshop (Scarbrough 1)

Strand #1

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership

Strand #2

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership



Brief Program Description

The ability to identify and articulate specific emotions helps us make sense of and respond to emotional experiences, but when all we know is angry, sad, or happy, the result is often an impulsive reaction that does little to process the experience in a healthy way. In this high-energy, interactive session, we will explore how visual art can help adolescents become more emotionally aware so they can “name it to tame it.” Participants will leave with their own artistic creations and some new creative tools for building community in their own programs. Come ready to engage and get creative!





Learning Objective 1


Learning Objective 2


Learning Objective 3


Presentation Year


Start Date

3-5-2023 1:30 PM

End Date

3-5-2023 4:30 PM

Beyond Mad, Sad, Glad activity sheets.pdf (1943 kB)
Activity Sheets

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Mar 5th, 1:30 PM Mar 5th, 4:30 PM

Beyond Mad, Sad, Glad: Using Art to Build Emotional Granularity

Pre-Conference Workshop (Scarbrough 1)

The ability to identify and articulate specific emotions helps us make sense of and respond to emotional experiences, but when all we know is angry, sad, or happy, the result is often an impulsive reaction that does little to process the experience in a healthy way. In this high-energy, interactive session, we will explore how visual art can help adolescents become more emotionally aware so they can “name it to tame it.” Participants will leave with their own artistic creations and some new creative tools for building community in their own programs. Come ready to engage and get creative!