The More Things Change - the More They Stay the Same, or Do They?


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

BEAHIVE Education Consultant, LLC

First Presenter’s Email Address


First Presenter's Brief Biography



Session Four Breakouts (Scarbrough 1)

Strand #1

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership

Strand #2

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership



Brief Program Description

If necessity is the mother of invention, it became truly evident during past two years of the pandemic and other turbulent occurrences for students, parents, teachers/staff, and communities. This interactive and engaging presentation will first have attendees to look at things that were challenges before the pandemic that are still challenges now. Then revisit, reflect, and discuss some of the best practices/time-tested teaching strategies of the pre-pandemic and revamp them for the present post-pandemic school environment. They also will be provided as an added bonus takeaways and resources lists of self-care strategies for themselves, students, and parents that can be implemented immediately into the school environment.





Learning Objective 1


Learning Objective 2


Learning Objective 3


Presentation Year


Start Date

3-7-2023 8:30 AM

End Date

3-7-2023 9:45 AM

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Mar 7th, 8:30 AM Mar 7th, 9:45 AM

The More Things Change - the More They Stay the Same, or Do They?

Session Four Breakouts (Scarbrough 1)

If necessity is the mother of invention, it became truly evident during past two years of the pandemic and other turbulent occurrences for students, parents, teachers/staff, and communities. This interactive and engaging presentation will first have attendees to look at things that were challenges before the pandemic that are still challenges now. Then revisit, reflect, and discuss some of the best practices/time-tested teaching strategies of the pre-pandemic and revamp them for the present post-pandemic school environment. They also will be provided as an added bonus takeaways and resources lists of self-care strategies for themselves, students, and parents that can be implemented immediately into the school environment.