

First Presenter's Institution

Banks Services

First Presenter’s Email Address

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Mrs. Krystal Banks is a Social Entrepreneur & Activist, Author, Speaker, Trainer, and Bailsbonds Professional. After performing extensive qualitative and quantitative research, Mrs. Banks noticed an educational gap; she discovered that parents and children were unaware of the severity of these offenses, and there was a lack of understanding of appropriate behavior to exact upon sticky life situations and a lack of understanding the punishments these offenses have on the quality of life. She also realized that preventative intervention through educating community members on the court and justice system could be used to deter many existing offenses. To address the problem, she advocates for and teaches students, parents, and education professionals how to handle life's Sticky Situations through the application of the law and life skills.

Second Presenter's Institution


Second Presenter’s Email Address


Second Presenter's Brief Biography


Third Presenter's Institution


Third Presenter’s Email Address


Third Presenter's Brief Biography


Fourth Presenter's Institution


Fourth Presenter’s Email Address


Fourth Presenter's Brief Biography


Fifth Presenter's Institution


Fifth Presenter’s Email Address


Fifth Presenter's Brief Biography



Session Two Breakouts

Strand #1

Hands: Safety & Violence Prevention

Strand #2

Home: Family & Community Engagement


The Sticky Situations Program (SSP) provides a school and community-based program designed to equip children, youth, parents, and youth development professionals and advocates with potentially life-saving information regarding the court system, government, and life. The program utilizes evidence and culturally-based curriculum, aligned with Common Core Standards, and subject matter experts to teach social and emotional awareness (SEL), self-defense, what to do upon being stopped, arrested, or charged, human trafficking, how to file a lawsuit, determining when and what type of attorney is needed, understanding the law as a game, situational role-playing, positive behavior modification, and many other topics.

Brief Program Description

Law and life go hand in hand. Understanding the law and how it connects to life can be an effective tool in teaching youth and adults the value of making good decisions when it comes to life and the law. Sticky Situations places real-world situations in the context of learning how to apply the law and effectively respond to life's sticky situations.


Sticky Situations addresses equity and social and emotional learning in a cultural context that allows students and parents to make better choices for their lives. Inherent in our work is teaching students to have a working knowledge of the justice system to redirect their behavior to make positive choices in school and in life. Participants will be provided with real-world situation prompts that lead to teachable moments for teachers, students, and parents around equity, social and emotional learning, and appropriate behavior modification techniques to produce positive outcomes. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the justice system and how its impact on families and the school-to-prison pipeline.

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to participate in small groups per some Sticky Situations. The groups will engage in case study cards that they will pull a card with "real-world" situations and then engage in discussion and role-playing to provide solutions and responses to each situation. The goal in mind is to talk through how to apply equity framework, SEL, appropriate knowledge of the justice system/law, and appropriate responses and behavior in real life "sticky situations.


Sticky Situations evaluates student and parent success via pre and post-assessment. A course assessment and/or survey is completed prior to the program concluding. The evaluation is a key indicator of the effectiveness of the program by measuring participant growth surrounding the participants’ knowledge and understanding of the law. Data is shared with program sites as requested.

As part of our program model, we contract with a therapist who focuses on social and emotional learning with students. We will share our findings with workshop participants. Current assessments demonstrate that parents are not equipped to help students with various life situations, especially surrounding the understanding and application of the law. Based on assessment findings, we are working to find solutions for students to consistently choose positive/appropriate behavior should their environment(s) reinforce negative behavior and inappropriate responses.

Learning Objective 1

Participants will be provided with real-world situation prompts that lead into teachable moments for teachers, students, and parents around equity, social and emotional learning, and appropriate behavior modification techniques to produce positive outcomes.

Learning Objective 2

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the justice system and how its impact on youth and families.

Learning Objective 3

Participants will deepen their understanding of how to prevent the school-to-prison pipeline through innovative education and prevention programming.

Keyword Descriptors

youth, culture, social justice, civics, community engagement, equity, race, law, government, life skills

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-7-2022 1:00 PM

End Date

3-7-2022 2:00 PM


Mar 7th, 1:00 PM Mar 7th, 2:00 PM

Sticky Situations: Understanding the Law and Life

Session Two Breakouts

Law and life go hand in hand. Understanding the law and how it connects to life can be an effective tool in teaching youth and adults the value of making good decisions when it comes to life and the law. Sticky Situations places real-world situations in the context of learning how to apply the law and effectively respond to life's sticky situations.