Georgia Southern Commons - National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference: Practical Strategies for Regulating Students’ Brains


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Lakeside - NeuroLogic

Second Presenter's Institution

Lakeside- NeuroLogic

Third Presenter's Institution


Fourth Presenter's Institution


Fifth Presenter's Institution



Session 2 (Percival)

Strand #1

Academic Achievement & School Leadership

Strand #2

Social & Emotional Skills


We will share practical brain-based interventions to help struggling students achieve academic and emotional success.

Brief Program Description

Knowing your students are impacted by trauma is only step one. It is more important to know what to do. This session will cover interventions such as brain breaks, fidgets, student curriculum and service dogs. We will share how we transformed four schools to meet the needs of struggling students. Whether you are an academic, clinical, or administrative staff, you will leave with tangible interventions you can implement immediately.


Knowing your students are impacted by trauma is only step one. It is more important to know what to do. This session will cover interventions such as brain breaks, fidgets, student curriculum and service dogs. We will share how we transformed four schools to meet the needs of struggling students. Whether you are an academic, clinical, or administrative staff, you will leave with tangible interventions you can implement immediately.

Additionally, we will provide basic information about each brain region along with different interventions that work specifically for that region. By choosing appropriate interventions, targeted at the brain region your students are operating from, you will observe many more short-term successes, and begin paving the way for long term healing.

  • Participants will be able to identify which region of the brain a student may be operating from based on the student's behavior.
  • Participants will be able to lead students in brain-based activities that are specific to each brain region.
  • Participants will be able to identify other intervention that will benefit their students based on the brain regions the students are operating from.


  1. Lakeside’s NeuroLogic® Initiative Trauma Informed Training for Schools
    1. Is based on over 40 years of experience in our own network of therapeutic schools.
    2. Has experience working with youth, teachers, administration and staff currently in the Upper Darby School District, Philadelphia School District, and the Chester Community Charter School Network.
    3. Is based on evidence-based work through 2+ years of training through the Child Trauma Academy and the NeuroSequential Model of Therapeutics.

Biographical Sketch

Kathy Van Horn, Licensed Psychologist, MEd

Kathy has been working in the field of education for 35 years as a teacher, counselor, and administrator and has been consulting and training school personnel for the past 20 years. She currently is Executive Vice President of Lakeside and works part time as a professor in Eastern University’s graduate school counseling department.

In addition to being a Licensed Psychologist, Kathy has been trained by the ChildTrauma Academy in the Neurosequential Model of both Therapeutics and Education. She has presented in regional, state, national and international conferences. Kathy has recently published a curriculum for teaching trauma informed principles to students.

Josh MacNeill, MEd

Josh began his career as a teacher where he quickly adapted trauma informed strategies into his classroom. Because of his success both in the classroom and in sharing these strategies with others, he began to get many requests to consult and train.

In addition to earning his Masters in Multicultural Education, Josh has completed The ChildTrauma Academy’s Neurosequential Model of Education training. He has presented at regional, state, national and international conferences and now offers training and consultation for schools throughout the United States and abroad. Josh has written the book, 101 Brain Breaks & Brain Based Educational Activities.

Keyword Descriptors

brain-based, trauma-informed, school-based, practical, hopeful, empowering

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-9-2020 1:15 PM

End Date

3-9-2020 2:30 PM


Mar 9th, 1:15 PM Mar 9th, 2:30 PM

Practical Strategies for Regulating Students’ Brains

Session 2 (Percival)

Knowing your students are impacted by trauma is only step one. It is more important to know what to do. This session will cover interventions such as brain breaks, fidgets, student curriculum and service dogs. We will share how we transformed four schools to meet the needs of struggling students. Whether you are an academic, clinical, or administrative staff, you will leave with tangible interventions you can implement immediately.