Bullying Panel


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Savannah Chatham School System

Second Presenter's Institution

Chatham County Juvenile Court

Third Presenter's Institution

Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life

Fourth Presenter's Institution

Gardner-Webb University

Fifth Presenter's Institution

Motivational Speaker


Session 5 (Scarbrough 2)

Strand #1

Safety & Violence Prevention


Presenter will provide.

Brief Program Description

This panel will push the boundaries of typical bullying prevention and propose fresh ideas for solutions in schools. Bullying prevention is one of the most pressing topics in education today. With many instances of school violence linked to bullying, schools are actively seeking practical solutions that can curtail this epidemic.


This panel will push the boundaries of typical bullying prevention and propose fresh ideas for solutions in schools. Bullying prevention is one of the most pressing topics in education today. With many instances of school violence linked to bullying, schools are actively seeking practical solutions that can curtail this epidemic.


Presenter will provide.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Jacqueline Smart is employed with the Savannah-Chatham School System. She is a graduate of California State University and Cambridge College School of Education with a degree in Educational Leadership, and is also the author of What Makes A Bully. Dr. Smart is passionate about finding solutions to the issue of bullying behavior and that everyone is responsible for bullying solutions. Dr. Smart also writes for various local newspapers where she writes a column about bullying and social justice issues.

Empowering her students to envision themselves as productive citizens encourages a desire in them to better our nation and world of tomorrow.

Judge LeRoy Burke III will provide.

Jan Urbanski, Ed.D. is Director of Safe and Humane Schools at Clemson University where she oversees the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and related initiatives focused on building positive connections and reducing bullying and violence. Dr. Urbanski has 24 years of school district experience as a prevention specialist, elementary teacher, and professional school counselor. She has also authored several publications and curriculum related to bullying prevention.

Anita Sanders will provide.

James Rheaume: Husband - Son - Brother - Friend - Mentor - Coach - Poet - Obstacle Course Racer - Big ball of energy! Growing up I faced many life events that lead to the darkest time in my life. At the age of 17 I decided to commit suicide The decision came from being bullied, sexually assaulted, my mother daily battle, growing up poor, and other things. At the end of the day it all came back to one main thing “I felt alone”. The only reason I am here today is because of one kind gesture. Allow me the opportunity to come and share this story of going from hopeless to hopeful. I promise you it will leave your audience inspired.

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-10-2020 10:15 AM

End Date

3-10-2020 11:30 AM

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Mar 10th, 10:15 AM Mar 10th, 11:30 AM

Bullying Panel

Session 5 (Scarbrough 2)

This panel will push the boundaries of typical bullying prevention and propose fresh ideas for solutions in schools. Bullying prevention is one of the most pressing topics in education today. With many instances of school violence linked to bullying, schools are actively seeking practical solutions that can curtail this epidemic.