
Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Morehouse College & Kennesaw State University

Second Presenter's Institution


Third Presenter's Institution


Fourth Presenter's Institution


Fifth Presenter's Institution



Session 2 (Ballroom D)

Strand #1

Academic Achievement & School Leadership

Strand #2

Social & Emotional Skills


Choice and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste connects the HEAD (academic achievement and leadership) to the HEART (social and emotional skills). The presentation is geared for parents, counselors, teachers, and administrators to implement equitable instruction and equitable classroom management that will enable students to achieve academic achievement.

Brief Program Description

Choice and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste is a presentation that highlights the functionalities of the human brain. Through our presentation attendees will be able to identify the four main components of the human brain that control our emotions and behaviors. We will provide evaluation-based techniques to strengthen self-awareness. It is our goal that attendees will grasp scientific information of the human brain as well as learn a new skill set to improve social emotional learning and restorative practices in order to deescalate conflicts.


The Noble Truth Project Incorporated presentation entitled “Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste”, will educate community leaders of various activities to engage each developmental stage of the human brain in order to positively influence our youth’s decision-making skills. We will articulate our brain based curriculum identifying the four major developmental stages of the brain: reptilian, mammalian, primate, and pre-frontal lobe. Our innovative curriculum uses social emotional learning activities to cultivate critical thinkers. Instructing students on the functions of their brain have promoted positive behavior. We will provide our audience with meditative, emotional response, musical and visualization activities that nurture positive decision making skills.

The Noble Truth Project Incorporated in conjunction with Fulton County Juvenile Court has implemented a yearly diversion program since 2013. This program entitled “The Noble Truth Project (NTP)” aims to create a zero percent recidivism rate among our participating youth. NTP provides mindfulness trainings and enriching activities as a method to foster positive behavior for our adolescents. Through this one year program students have been challenged to think critically about their responses to situations. We have exposed students to physical fitness regimens and meditation techniques as a means to eliminate stress and anger. We know through the discipline of our program our students have been able to perform better in school, home, and throughout their community. Through our curriculum our students will become leaders in any setting and will have a sense of identity and compassion for others.


Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste utilizes techniques and strategies outline in five world-renowned academic texts; 1) The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher written by Harry Wong, 2) The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educator's Rules For Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child written by Ron Clark, 3) Teach Like a Champion 2.0: 62 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College written by Doug Lemov, 4) Mindset: The New Psychology of Success written by Carol Dweck, and 5) The Mindful School Leader: Practices to Transform Your Leadership and School written by Kirsten Olson and Valerie Brown. Through the use of these Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste we have discovered dramatic changes in student achievement. In 2013, 66% of students I taught meet proficient or above on the 7th grade social studies portion of the CRCT; through the use of Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste in 2014, 78% of students I taught meet proficient or above on the 7th grade social studies portion of the CRCT. In one year of implementation of the Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste our out of school suspension (OSS) rate dropped 28%. Students remained engaged and intrinsically motivated to succeed. Through research and experience these Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste are evidence based, demonstrating field-test effectiveness.

Biographical Sketch

Originally from Newark, New Jersey, Ian has been dedicated to serving people. Raised in a single parent household in an urban environment, Ian mastered the art of communication and persistence. At the age of 21, he start a not for profit organization entitled The Noble Truth Project. As a consultant, Ian currently serves the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office as the Gang Prevention Coordinator for the Office of Gang Prevention and Intervention. As a former certified Georgia educator, Ian has several years of classroom and administrative experience. As a certified alternative dispute resolution mediator and register yoga teacher, Ian has contracted his services to Georgia’s Department of Juvenile Justice and several courts in the Metro-Atlanta area. Ian received a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Kennesaw State University and was awarded a Bachelors of Arts degree in Philosophy from Morehouse College. He has served locally and globally selected as a college ambassador for service projects in Chicago, South Africa and Haiti. Upon request, Ian wishes to contribute to you and your organization.

Keyword Descriptors

Relevant, Brain-Based, Student Achievement, Equity, Classroom Management, Culturally Responsive, Student Centered, Social and Emotional Learning

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-4-2019 1:15 PM

End Date

3-4-2019 2:30 PM

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Mar 4th, 1:15 PM Mar 4th, 2:30 PM

Choices and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Session 2 (Ballroom D)

Choice and Consequences: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste is a presentation that highlights the functionalities of the human brain. Through our presentation attendees will be able to identify the four main components of the human brain that control our emotions and behaviors. We will provide evaluation-based techniques to strengthen self-awareness. It is our goal that attendees will grasp scientific information of the human brain as well as learn a new skill set to improve social emotional learning and restorative practices in order to deescalate conflicts.