The College and Career Ready System: Time Saving Tool Used to Identify Potential At-Risk Students


Poster Presentation


Harborside Center East and West

Strand #1

Academic Achievement & School Leadership


The College and Career Ready System is a teacher friendly time saving tool created to promote academic achievement and support decision making with students who could potentially be at-risk.

Brief Program Description

The College and Career Ready System is a teacher friendly time saving tool created to promote academic achievement and support decision making with students who could potentially be at-risk. This small city school system in Alabama created an on-line tool that pulls data from the Student Information System geared to save a tremendous amount of time for administrators and teachers when making data based decisions.


The College and Career Ready System is a teacher friendly time saving tool created to promote academic achievement and support decision making with students who could potentially be at-risk. The original purpose of this custom created system was to help monitor and make decisions while in problem solving team, grade-level, and other student data related meetings. Once we developed this color coded data reporting tool and began introducing it to our teachers, we discovered a multitude of uses that can help our administrators and teachers with data based decision making. Below are a few ways our administrators and teachers are saving time by using our automated College and Career Ready System. - Identify Tutoring Students - Write Individual Education Plans - Truancy Court Documentation - Parent/Teacher/Administrator Conferences - Response to Instruction and Problem Solving Team Documentation - Vertical Team Data Meeting Dialogue - Individual Guidance Counseling Session - Mental Health Provider Partnership Documentation - Determining Club/Organization Criteria - Student Mentor Assignments - Support Retention Decisions - Determining Continuation of Out of District Students This session will explain the beginning to end process our school system followed when developing this time saving tool. Ideally, participants will leave with ideas on how they can develop a similar tool for their school systems that can save time and help identify students in the most need of assistance academically, socially, and mentally.


At this early stage of implementation, saving time has been the greatest asset of this tool. Like many school systems, we ask a lot of our teachers and expect dialogue and collaboration when making data-based decisions. The College and Career Ready System serves as a tool to provide the necessary data for informed decisions which provides more time for our educators to plan and deliver effective instruction.

Biographical Sketch

Kyle Kallhoff

Kyle has been in education for almost twenty years. He began his career teaching students with special needs, with an emphasis on students who were multi-handicapped and/or mentally retarded. He has served in many administrative capacities including Assistant Superintendent in rural counties in South Carolina and Alabama. He is currently in his third year as the Superintendent of the City of Chickasaw School System. The City of Chickasaw School System was founded in 2012 and serves approximately 950 students in grades K-12. As superintendent, Kyle was the first employee of the City of Chickasaw School System which now employees 110 dedicated educators and operates off of a $7.9 million budget. Kyle is a strong believer of using data to make instructional decisions and dedicating resources to make the job of an educator as simple as possible.

Pat Byrne

Pat is a computer programmer. Pat has worked in the field of education technology for over 15 years. While in the education field, Pat has contributed to several innovative outside of the box reporting platforms created to assist teachers and administrators with making timely instructional decisions.

Keyword Descriptors

At-Risk, Attendance, Discipline, Collaboration, Decision Making, Special Education

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-3-2015 4:00 PM

End Date

3-3-2015 5:30 PM

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Mar 3rd, 4:00 PM Mar 3rd, 5:30 PM

The College and Career Ready System: Time Saving Tool Used to Identify Potential At-Risk Students

Harborside Center East and West

The College and Career Ready System is a teacher friendly time saving tool created to promote academic achievement and support decision making with students who could potentially be at-risk. This small city school system in Alabama created an on-line tool that pulls data from the Student Information System geared to save a tremendous amount of time for administrators and teachers when making data based decisions.