Home > Journals > Active Journals > NYAR > Vol. 2 > Iss. 2 (2017)
Guided imagery is a valuable intervention strategy that can benefit children who are at risk for social, academic, and mental health problems. Guided imagery is a technique that employs imagination, emotions, and a spectrum of bodily senses (Naparstek, 1994). This particular technique can be applied in community and academic settings to help enhance self-efficacy and mental health functioning for youth at risk. The need to implement creative interventions for youth can be overlooked by the chaos of poverty and social problems in vulnerable communities. Many schools and community agencies carry the burden of managing daily crises with few resources. This article is a call to action for effective mental health prevention treatment for youth at risk with a focus on guided imagery techniques that enhance creativity and positive visualization. This article presents an overview of mental health needs of vulnerable children, including those living in poverty; an explanation of guided imagery strategies and efficacy studies; and recommendations for the use of guided imagery interventions in academic and community youth settings.
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Recommended Citation
Skeens, L. M. (2017). Guided imagery: A technique to benefit youth at risk. National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Journal, 2(2), 92-106. https://doi.org/10.20429/nyarj.2017.020207
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