Interview with Johnny Clark, Sales Representative for Slingerland Drums
Date of Interview
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National Association of Music Merchants
Drums, Slingerland Drums, Music Manufacturers, Marching Band, Gemeinhardt Company LLC, Guild Guitar, G. Leblanc Corporation
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Music | Music Business
Recommended Citation
Clark, Johnny, "Interview with Johnny Clark, Sales Representative for Slingerland Drums" (2011). NAMM Oral Histories. 9.
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From the NAMM Oral History Collection:
Johnny Clark was a sales rep for the Slingerland Drum Company for nearly his entire career. He began working for the company when the founder’s son, Bud, was president and served under every president of the company until Slingerland was sold to Gretsch in 1994. Johnny played a vital role in expanding the new product lines as well as bringing the Slingerland key products, such as the Radio King and Marching Drums, to new dealers. He later worked as a rep for Gemeinhardt Flutes, Guild Guitars and G. Lablanc. Johnny’s many friends in the industry suggested that he be interviewed after he had retired, and he provided a wonderful insight into is long and successful career.