Peer Control in Organizations

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Publication Date


Publication Title

Organizational Control




Georgia Southern University faculty member Misty L. Loughry authored “Peer Control in Organizations” in the publication Organizational Control.

Chapter Summary: Peer control occurs when workers who are at the same organizational level or in the same field exert lateral control over their peers. Peer control is widespread in organizations, yet is not well understood. This chapter discusses the scope of the peer control concept, including different types of formal and informal peer controls designed by managers and workers. The potential benefits and drawbacks of peer control are also discussed. Five theoretical perspectives that can be used to examine informal peer control are reviewed. The chapter concludes with suggestions for future research on peer control. The goals of this chapter are to show that peer control is an important, yet insufficiently understood, element of the organizational control system and to stimulate new research on peer control.

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