Connecting the Dots: Sharing Hidden Histories of Regional Inventors’ Patents

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Journal of the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association


Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs) support inventors, entrepreneurs, and researchers with patent and trademark information. Some PTRCs share regional patent history as part of their community outreach. This article focuses on PTRCs that have developed online databases and published works documenting regional patents, thereby providing hidden historical insights for historians, genealogists, and students. It spotlights the development of Georgiavation, a historic patent database developed by the PTRC at Georgia Southern University. Finally, this article offers guidance for libraries, museums, and other institutions interested in documenting their state or regional patent histories. This can result in a more inclusive narrative of innovation in the United States, supporting discussions around equity, regional business trends, and educational outreach. By documenting previously overlooked inventors, the project aligns with initiatives to promote racial equity and support underserved communities, reinforcing the importance of inclusive historical narratives in the context of technological innovation.


Georgia Southern University faculty member, John Schlipp co-authored Connecting the Dots: Sharing Hidden Histories of Regional Inventors’ Patents.
