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Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Susan G. Komen Foundation, Liberty Center, Crystal Simmons, Compass Point, Ogeechee Theatre, Mohammed Morsi, Department of Criminal Justice, Forensics Recover of Evidence Devices (FRED), EPA, Eric Faulconer, District One Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA)


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  • Beer lovers unite: Southbound finds a home in Savannah William Hall
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  • Men's, women's basketball season kicks off Berry Aldridge
  • Calliope offers students publication opportunities Jeremy McAbee
  • Morsi trial in Egypt delayed after chaotic start Laura King
  • New program offers students cyber crime certificate Christopher Higgins
  • Coach Eric Faulconer wins his 200th game Berry Aldridge
  • District One honor choirs return to Armstrong Henry Ancheta


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