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Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Garret McGuire, Forsyth Park, Career Services Department, Pirate Pantry, Allison Lyon, UNC Pembroke, Mike Trout, Obamacare, Affordable Care Act, ShadowBoxers, Fine Arts Auditorium


  • Fundraiser walk lights up Forsyth Park Rolando Zenteno
  • Upcoming graduates get ahead of the competition Jaimie Freund
  • Students pay high price for convenience Henry Ancheta, Chris Higgins
  • Volleyball sweeps in the ARC Chris Godfrey, Dalton Johnson
  • Pirate Madness kicks off basketball season Tramaine Singleton
  • Famous Jameis exceeds the hype Dalton Johnson
  • Soccer suffers rare back-to-back losses Berry Aldridge
  • SGA hosts The Shadowboxers, Armstrong students anticipate next arrival Brianna Ross
  • A spotlight on visual arts graduates Kristen Young
  • 'Carrie' plays it safe Todd Perkins


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