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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Mike Y. Hendrix, Title IX, Education Amendment, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Athletic Department, Studies Abroad Program, Sam Nunn, Advisory Board, Steve Hartley, Federal Food Stamp Program, Alex Cooley, Masquers, Salt Lake City, Women of Worth (WOW), Audubon Society, Fine Arts Theatre, Tom Sterling, South Atlantic Conference


Doonesbury cartoons redacted due to copyright concerns.

  • Title IX: Equal Athletics At ASC
  • Governor's Bicentennial Youth Congress Richard C. Miller
  • Opposing Replies To President Ashmore's Cafeteria Speech
  • Basic Information About Applying For Food Stamps
  • Gil Eagles on Psychic Phenomenon
  • From Gems to Jazz Jo Lyn Banner
  • More Than 'Pickling The Past' Pamela S. Nesmith
  • ASC Cagers Take SAC Title Bill Miller

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