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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Valdosta State, Creative Ceramics, Fine Arts Building, Student Government Association of Educators (SGAE), Psychology Honors, Nursing Admission Test, American Chemical Society, NROTC, Learning Foundation, Fine Arts Auditorium, Joe Cocker, Wet Willie, Beatles, Wright Brothers, Third Annual South Atlantic Conference Tournament, Valdosta State, West Georgia Braves, NCAA, Hillsborough Community College, Badminton Tournament


Doonesbury cartoons redacted due to copyright concerns.

  • Valdosta State Takes S.A.C. Championship
  • New Creative Course Offered
  • Get Smart: Learning Foundations
  • Cocker For The Crackers
  • Wet Willie
  • Public Opinion Poll
  • The Beatles: Yesterday and Today
  • ASC Bowling Team Finishes Seventh

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