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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Ken Chapman, Exchange Club of Savannah, Publications Board, Union Board, Catherine Smith, Sandra Turnquist, Joel Arnon, Faculty Women's Club, Union Board Reorganization, Honor Code, Ray Anrig, Buccaneers, Seven Hills Healing Arts Festival, Bowlers, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Company, Georgia Lung Association, Fine Arts Department, Theatre, Busch


  • Publications Board Selects New Editors
  • See You Next Time Bob Torrescano
  • Constitutional Referendum to be Held Thursday
  • A Sense of Accomplishment
  • As I See It Richard Chambless
  • Greek Week 1978 Held
  • Whelan's Wide World of Intramural Mary Ellen Whelan
  • SOS Scholarship Drive
  • First Few Minutes

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