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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, College Union Board, Helen Ferraro, Gerald C. Sandy, Higher Education Act, Japan Foundation, Steve Y. Rhee, Henry R. Harros, National Council of Education in the Ceramic Arts (NCECA), Killorin, NROTC, George Bedwell, Pirates House, Women to Help End the War (WHEW), Harold Powell, John Opper, People's Front for the Liberation of Armstrong State College, Craig Harper, Biff Loman, South West Educators Association of Teachers (SWEAT), Bruce Winfred, Henry Ashmore, National Society of Daughters of American Colonists


  • ASC Leadership Banquet Held
  • The Swan Song Michael J. Higgs
  • Makin' Bacon Off Aiken
  • A Tribute to A Winner Willie Tuten
  • Salvation From Regents Unforeseen
  • Opper Turns Coat Katie Daly
  • Spring Fling
  • News Shorts

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