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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Cheerleaders, NCAA Division II, Rusty Zittrauer, Ginny Knorr, St. Patty's Day, XVIth Olympic Winter Games, Southern Association of Colleges (SACS), Tibbs, Intramurals Program, Baseball, NCAA II, Vicki Kaplan, Tonja Moore, Mimi Georges, Joseph Babula, Renee Hutson, Kelli Mimbs, Kelly Swain, Martin Luther King Jr., American Lung Association, Civil Rights Day


  • ASC Cheerleaders Ranked 7th in Nation Renee Hutson
  • Snow Skiing: Austrians Do It The Right Way Aurelia Roth
  • ASC Visited by Accreditation Team Morgan H. Woodcock
  • Opinion
  • ASC Baseball Team Ranked 2nd in Nation Marella Poticny
  • 1992 SGA Election Profile
  • Civil Rights or Civil War: Which Is Really the Issue

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