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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Elvis Presley, Joseph Buck, Student Government Association (SGA), Joseph Babula, Vicki Kaplan, Mimi Georges, Kelli Mimbs, Bill Clinton, Paul Tsongas, The Greens, College Union Board (CUB), Fine Arts Gallery, Project Shield, University of Minnesota, Human Rights Center, Christopher Columbus, April Fool's Day, Women of Worth (WOW)


  • Elvis, Alive and Well and Working at Armstrong
  • SGA Elections Bring Large Voter Turnout Chris Foster
  • Health Care Can Be a Problem for Students Marella Poticny
  • The Greens Take Root CPS Reports
  • Senior Art Show: Five Artists from Armstrong Beverly English
  • ASC Criminal Justice Class Helps Survey Fellwood Homes Greg Deese
  • Christopher Columbus On Trial In University of Minnesota CPS Reports
  • A Revisionist Historiographer's View of April Fool's Day Aurelia Roth

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