Honors College Theses
Publication Date
Chemistry (B.S.)
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (open access)
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Abid Shaikh
Amino acids are critical molecules within living organisms as they are the building blocks of proteins. In organisms, proteins serve as regulators of necessary processes, structural components in tissue, hormones, and neurotransmitters. Amino acid therapy is an emerging treatment in the medical field used to treat symptoms of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Amino acid therapies have also shown promising effects when it comes to treating mood disorders and weight management. In order to increase the number of amino acids available and increase the potential treatments for other ailments, there is a drive to increase the availability of synthetic methods of amino acid synthesis. Previous research has shown that these methods are best aided by the use of a rhodium, ruthenium, or copper catalyst. This paper proposes a synthetic path utilizing these catalysts to accomplish this task. The proposed reaction strategy was successful, and it is determined to be an effective means to synthesize chiral amino acids.
Recommended Citation
Boyles, Steven J., "Synthesis of Chiral Amino Acids via Direct Amination of Diazo Ester with a Rhodium-Based Catalyst" (2024). Honors College Theses. 975.