Honors College Theses

Publication Date



Anthropology (B.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Jennifer Sweeney Tookes


Competition from imported seafood, low product prices, increasing operation costs, and other socio-economic factors are negatively affecting coastal Georgia’s commercial fishing industry. Fishers’ local ecological knowledge (LEK) is extensive and gives them unique perspectives into the problems the industry is facing. Their perspectives differ from those of biologists or policymakers, making them useful for implementing good management policies that not only consider the scientific knowledge of a fishery, but the human aspect as well. This thesis used conducted semi-structured and card-sorting interviews with commercial Georgia fishermen in two fishing communities to learn about the problems they face and their unique insights into potential solutions. Overall, they perceived imports and shrimp (or product) price to be the most severe problems, and marketing to be the most helpful solution. Despite the problems they face, fishers that remain in Georgia’s commercial fishing industry have proven to be extremely resilient, indicating that the future of Georgia’s commercial fishing industry could have a long and successful future.

Thesis Summary

Competition from imported seafood, low product prices, increasing operation costs, and other socio-economic factors are negatively affecting coastal Georgia’s commercial fishing industry. This thesis used conducted semi-structured and card-sorting interviews with commercial Georgia fishermen in two fishing communities to learn about the problems they face and their unique insights into potential solutions. Overall, they perceived imports and shrimp (or product) price to be the most severe problems, and marketing to be the most helpful solution. Fishers that remain in Georgia’s commercial fishing industry have proven to be extremely resilient, indicating that the future of Georgia’s commercial fishing industry could have a long and successful future.
