Honors College Theses
Publication Date
Athletic Training (B.S.)
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (open access)
Faculty Mentor
Daniel Czech
Many studies have examined how power is affected by static stretching. However, little research has been completed to examine why the muscle power production is affected by static stretching. The purpose of this study is to see the correlation of how pennation angle (PA) and muscle power production (MPP) is affected by a static stretching protocol. For the methodology, PA of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscle will be measured using Terason ultrasound machine. After the PA is measured participants will perform a vertical jump on a force plate while utilizing a Vertec, to determine the height of their jump in order to calculate power. Then participants will complete the static stretching protocol. The protocol will have the participant place their foot on a pre-set incline board while keeping the bottom of their foot flush with the board’s surface and the knee fully extended. This position will be held for 3x30s. Static stretching will be deemed reliable with an increase in 1 cm increase in the weight bearing lunge. Then PA and MMP of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscle will be measured after the stretching protocol. The results showed an increase in both pre-stretch lateral PA (13.61+ 2.84°) to post-stretch lateral PA (15.61+ 2.08°) and pre-stretch medial PA (13.81+ 3.20°) to post-stretch lateral PA(16.34+ 2.29°). Between pre-stretch MPP (3020.97 N +2216.23 N) and post-stretch MPP (2369.68 N +1524.47 N), a decrease in MPP was observed.
Recommended Citation
Dennis, Lacey G., "The Effects of Static Stretching on Pennation Angle and Muscle Power Production in the Triceps Surae Complex" (2017). Honors College Theses. 244.