Honors College Theses
Publication Date
Psychology (B.S.)
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (open access)
Faculty Mentor
Jennifer Wertalik
Social Inclusion and community participation among adults with developmental disabilities (DD) have remained critically underexplored, despite their essential role in promoting equal opportunities and access to fulfilling lives. This study addressed a significant gap in the literature by investigating the experiences of individuals within the population. The research aimed to explore social inclusion and community participation opportunities on adults with DD. Participants were recruited through an organization that offers residential camp programs to adults with developmental disabilities, and an online survey was used to collect data on the availability of opportunities, the extent of involvement, and the perceived impacts on this population. This study provided valuable insights to support social inclusion and improve the quality of life for adults with DD, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for this often-overlooked group.
Recommended Citation
Baldowski, Arilyn Jewel, "Exploring Social Inclusion and Community Participation Opportunities for Adults with Developmental Disabilities" (2024). Honors College Theses. 1011.
Included in
Applied Behavior Analysis Commons, Community-Based Research Commons, Community Psychology Commons, Disability Studies Commons, Experimental Analysis of Behavior Commons, Social Psychology Commons