Theses from 2022
An Exploration of the Black Female Cosplay Experience, Geneisa B. Ragin and Geneisa Ragin
Theses from 2021
Addressing the Lack of Availability in Diverse Skin Tone Options for Performance Fabric, Jessica Batey
Read the Room: Exploring the fine line between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, Yasmine Leona Mosley
Can Marketing Content Strategies Help Promote Sustainability On Social Media?: Comparing the Effectiveness of Owned Versus Earned Endorsement, Eilleen R. Plante
Synesthetic Perception: Exploring the Senses of a Synesthete Through Theatrical Art-Wear, Makenna Trujillo
Theses from 2020
Recreating a classical Sleeping Beauty tutu and bodice using modern methods, Gennevieve L. Wright
Theses from 2017
Garments with a Message: Developing an Evening-Wear Collection which Conveys an Underlying Message of Social and Life Issues, Kiana S. Carn
Theses from 2015
The Death of Modesty: How The Decline in the Church’s Influence Along With Social and Cultural Factors in the Twentieth Century Directed Changing Views of Modesty in America, Tracy-Ann M. Griffiths