Honors College Theses

Publication Date



Fashion Merchandising & Apparel Design (B.S.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Faculty Mentor

Hope Simpara


This research provides some insight to multiple social issues in the American women society and using elements of those issues to develop a collection of evening wear garments. The collection will consist of a 4-look evening wear group, which attempts to represent each code of dress in this design market: cocktail, prom, bridesmaid and bridal, that will be constructed using context that correlates with that specific garment’s relative social issue. The following issues will be discussed: the millennials lack of knowledge when it comes to appropriate dress code for events, prom attire through the social media context, the real cost of serving as a bridesmaid and the wave of non-traditional bridal gowns in the wedding industry. The design development process is discussed and documented from conception to execution.

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