Uncontrolled Diabetes in Rural Communities Related to Decreased Socioeconomic Status

Primary Faculty Mentor’s Name

Marian Tabi

Proposal Track


Session Format



Purpose: The purpose of this research is to discover if low socioeconomic status impacts the control of diabetes in individuals living in rural communities. Research questions are as follows: Do individuals with low socioeconomic status have financial troubles obtaining medication and supplies to control his or her diabetes? Is it difficult for individuals with low socioeconomic status to find transportation to receive routine evaluation in regards to their diabetes? Does the prevalence of having insurance affect control of diabetes in individuals with low socioeconomic status? What can health care providers do to help patients control their diabetes more effectively? The chosen hypothesis of this study is: if individuals with diabetes have low socioeconomic status and live in rural communities, they will poorly control their diabetes.

Methods: Data collection is in progress via paper surveys given in approved classrooms on Georgia Southern University Campus. Data will be analyzed and assimilated with the use of IBM SPSS V23 statistical program with descriptive and inferential statistics.

Findings: The results of the analyzed data will be presented at the conference if the abstract is accepted.

Conclusions: The outcomes of this study will determine specific reasons as to why diabetes is more likely to be uncontrolled in individuals with low socioeconomic status. It will also examine the factors in rural areas that serve as barriers to acquiring health care in these individuals and how to educate individuals with low socioeconomic status on the importance of the control of their diabetes. Lastly, we hope to identify factors leading to health disparities in rural areas and examine solutions to these in order to provide equal opportunities in healthcare for all socioeconomic statuses. We hope to learn of ways to support individuals with low socioeconomic status in rural areas in order to allow them to maintain control of their diabetes. It is a necessity to identify the barriers to acquiring health care in these areas, and to educate this demographic on the importance of the control of their diabetes.


Diabetes, Rural Communities, Socioeconomic Status

Presentation Year


Start Date

11-7-2015 2:10 PM

End Date

11-7-2015 3:20 PM

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

This document is currently not available here.


Nov 7th, 2:10 PM Nov 7th, 3:20 PM

Uncontrolled Diabetes in Rural Communities Related to Decreased Socioeconomic Status

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to discover if low socioeconomic status impacts the control of diabetes in individuals living in rural communities. Research questions are as follows: Do individuals with low socioeconomic status have financial troubles obtaining medication and supplies to control his or her diabetes? Is it difficult for individuals with low socioeconomic status to find transportation to receive routine evaluation in regards to their diabetes? Does the prevalence of having insurance affect control of diabetes in individuals with low socioeconomic status? What can health care providers do to help patients control their diabetes more effectively? The chosen hypothesis of this study is: if individuals with diabetes have low socioeconomic status and live in rural communities, they will poorly control their diabetes.

Methods: Data collection is in progress via paper surveys given in approved classrooms on Georgia Southern University Campus. Data will be analyzed and assimilated with the use of IBM SPSS V23 statistical program with descriptive and inferential statistics.

Findings: The results of the analyzed data will be presented at the conference if the abstract is accepted.

Conclusions: The outcomes of this study will determine specific reasons as to why diabetes is more likely to be uncontrolled in individuals with low socioeconomic status. It will also examine the factors in rural areas that serve as barriers to acquiring health care in these individuals and how to educate individuals with low socioeconomic status on the importance of the control of their diabetes. Lastly, we hope to identify factors leading to health disparities in rural areas and examine solutions to these in order to provide equal opportunities in healthcare for all socioeconomic statuses. We hope to learn of ways to support individuals with low socioeconomic status in rural areas in order to allow them to maintain control of their diabetes. It is a necessity to identify the barriers to acquiring health care in these areas, and to educate this demographic on the importance of the control of their diabetes.