Generation Alpha Students: Connecting, Educating, and Relating


Boston 1

Session Format



Individuals born between 2010-2025 are considered part of Generation Alpha. Little is known or written regarding this generation; however, a greater understanding of current knowledge can impact the future of this population. Researching this population's strengths, challenges, and barriers may help with creative strategies for prevention, education, and supporting their future. Teachers, administrators, school counselors, parents, and stakeholders interacting with members of Generation Alpha within the school setting play an integral part in effectively and efficiently providing personalized education and support. This presentation provides a compilation of current research on Generation Alpha and creative suggestions for educators, administrators, school counselors, and parents.


school counseling, technology, child development, teacher effectiveness, Generation Alpha

Professional Bio

Tayla Brown is a graduate student in Augusta University’s Clinical Mental Health Program. She aspires to work with children to help cultivate their self-awareness and to teach in higher education, which was the driving force behind the interest in Generation Alpha. Sarah Adams is a graduate student at Augusta University in the Clinical Mental Health Program. She is an intern at a child advocacy center and aspires to work with children and families. She believes the research into Generation Alpha will allow her to help caregivers and education professionals meet the needs of the next generation of children.

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Feb 2nd, 10:30 AM Feb 2nd, 12:00 PM

Generation Alpha Students: Connecting, Educating, and Relating

Boston 1

Individuals born between 2010-2025 are considered part of Generation Alpha. Little is known or written regarding this generation; however, a greater understanding of current knowledge can impact the future of this population. Researching this population's strengths, challenges, and barriers may help with creative strategies for prevention, education, and supporting their future. Teachers, administrators, school counselors, parents, and stakeholders interacting with members of Generation Alpha within the school setting play an integral part in effectively and efficiently providing personalized education and support. This presentation provides a compilation of current research on Generation Alpha and creative suggestions for educators, administrators, school counselors, and parents.