Making Math Matter


Boston 2&3

Session Format



There is an old saying;

'If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.'

This presentation will examine what happens when I DON'T do what I've always done in my Elementary Mathematic Pedagogy Fall Semester course.

Frustrated that I never see conceptually focused experiences or strategies when I require the same old sequence of;

1-pre-test the content

2-plan, teach, & assess a 5 day unit'

3-post test the content

4-analyze the results

I redesigned this classroom and created, what I hope will be seen as a more purposeful and meaningful mathematics experience for my students.

This presentation will present the outcomes of what actually happened in this Fall 23 course redesign.


mathematics instruction, conceptually sound pedagogy, purposeful math experiences, meaningful application of math content, course redesign, innovative practices

Professional Bio

Dr. Virginia Wilcox is the chair of the Education Department at Wesleyan College. She holds a Phd and an MEd from Auburn University with a research focus on STEM/STEAM curriculum. Her research focus has been on addressing Math Anxiety in Elementary School Educators and embedding Math Content across other subject areas.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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Feb 2nd, 8:45 AM Feb 2nd, 10:15 AM

Making Math Matter

Boston 2&3

There is an old saying;

'If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.'

This presentation will examine what happens when I DON'T do what I've always done in my Elementary Mathematic Pedagogy Fall Semester course.

Frustrated that I never see conceptually focused experiences or strategies when I require the same old sequence of;

1-pre-test the content

2-plan, teach, & assess a 5 day unit'

3-post test the content

4-analyze the results

I redesigned this classroom and created, what I hope will be seen as a more purposeful and meaningful mathematics experience for my students.

This presentation will present the outcomes of what actually happened in this Fall 23 course redesign.